"Sometimes we tend to be in despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, it's not our loss, but theirs, for they left the only person who couldn't give up on them."

Shakespeare said," I cried when i had no shoes,but i stopd cryin when i saw a man witout legs. "LIFE s ful of blessings sometimes v dont understand it."

Cute Love;
1 day Sea asked River,
"How long will u keep entering into my salty heart.?"

River replied "Untill you become sweet..!!

santa 2 banta

5/24/2011 07:14:00 AM | , , | 0 comments »

Santa 2 Banta: I & my girlfrnd r getting married.
Banta: Oh great,but when is d marriage?
Santa:Iam marrying on on 13th Jan & my gf on 20t

my hands never pain when typing message for you...!!
my heart always pains..,,
when there is no reply from you...!!